We are working hard to bring forward concerns from Surrey teachers to district administrators and to Fraser Health. There are schools where teachers feel relatively safe now that we have settled into daily routines, and there are schools where teachers continue to be alarmed and anxious, given continued exposure notices and many unanswered questions.  

One concern involves contact tracing, and whether teachers will be informed if students in their classes test positive. Both the BCTF provincially, and the STA locally, have called for teachers to be contacted by public health authorities when students test positive, to ensure that the contact tracing process is accurate. These discussions continue. 

We are meeting regularly with District personnel on a range of health and safety issues. As you will see below, Gavin Slade-Kerr, our Health and Safety Officer, has been asking the questions and providing answers to members each week in this memo. We will continue advocating forcefully and seeking needed changes for the health and safety of our members during this time.   

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