Latest News

  • Jatinder’s Welcome Back Message 

    Dear friends,  Once again, welcome back to another school year! We know how difficult it can be to truly take care of ourselves during the school year, so I hopeRead more

  • Shout Outs to School Union Reps 

    A big shout-out to the Union Reps in our schools!  As a union representative you play a critical role at worksites ensuring that provisions in our Collective Agreement are protectedRead more

  • CPAP Coverage for Members on the Provincial EHB Plan

    During recent negotiations with BCPSEA to improve our provincial Extended Health Benefits (EHB) Plan, the BCTF requested clarification on the coverage for CPAP machines required by members who experience sleepRead more

  • Dual Dental Coverage Available Effective July 1, 2023 

    As a result of bargaining, the provincial parties have agreed to remove the collective agreement dual dental restrictions that were in place currently in place for Surrey teachers. There willRead more

  • Summer School Teachers and Sick Leave 

    The district has communicated that the following memo applies to summer school teachers:   “As you may be aware, the Employment Standards Act (ESA) has recently changed and as of MarchRead more

  • President’s Message 

    Hello friends! Over the past year, we have been meeting with a few former STA Presidents who have shared their wisdom and advice with us. We are very grateful forRead more

  • Shout Outs to School Union Reps 

    A big shout-out to the Union Reps in our schools!  As a union representative you play a critical role at worksites ensuring that provisions in our Collective Agreement are protectedRead more

  • Site-Based Mentorship for 2023-2024 

    “Our mentorship program has created a community of teachers open to listening and learning with and from one another.  A support system.  A landing place for new teachers where theyRead more

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge with gratitude and respect that STA members have the privilege of working on the unceded ancestral territory of the Coast Salish peoples, the qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼən̓ (Kwantlen), q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie), qiqéyt (Qayqayt) and sɛmiˈɑːmuː (Semiahmoo) who have cared for this land for thousands of years, and who continue to care for this land. As educators, we are committed to actions aimed at healing the broken relationship between settlers and Indigenous peoples.

School Visit

We’d like to visit your school! Let us know which date you’d prefer. We are available for lunch or after school visits.

The Advocate

The Advocate is a seasonal publication for members. The Advocate contains a report from the President, information from the table officers, updates, and information on current educational issues and issues of importance to Surrey teachers.