We have had observers at two sessions of the Collaborative Bargaining Process with the employer. During this process, both sides suspend their positions to try to arrive at mutual interests. It’s a process quite different to traditional bargaining. Manita Gandham was an observer at the CBP session on January 26. Read her reflection on what she witnessed below.  

It was such a pleasure to be a part of the bargaining committee as an observer this past week. I was thrilled to see how kind and respectful both parties communicated with one another. I had always imagined bargaining to be a tense discussion between two parties and it was not the case. Our union really dove deep into thinking about topics and how certain things in our collective agreement (if changed or added) would affect the members; a lot of thought and effort goes into these discussions. I felt protected by our union, and I am so grateful to have had that opportunity. 

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