Soon you should no longer have to simply imagine having a maximum of 25 students in secondary English classes, or 1-15 ratios for Integration Support Teachers. Staff reps are encouraged to hold a study session with teachers at your school to review the language and what it will mean at your site. Those of you who worked prior to our language being stripped, this is an opportunity to share your experiences with colleagues about teaching prior to 2002.
Restored Language (click to download)
Release time for teachers of students with special needs will be granted to develop an individual educational plan (IEP) for students with special needs in the “Low Incidence” category.
At the November School Board meeting, the school district published its annual Class Size and Comparison Report. You can use the information to compare class size and composition ratios from last year – for instance there are more elementary classes with 4+ IEPs in them than the previous year. Secondary schools can use the report to see how their school compares across the district in terms of classes over 30 and classes with 4+ IEPs. This report may be particularly interesting this year, in light of the provisions in our restored Collective Agreement language.