The Indigenous Education Committee recommends programs and initiatives to recruit, retain, and support Indigenous teachers. This committee also examines the conditions for Indigenous learners within our school district and recommends strategies that better support Indigenous learners in classrooms throughout the district. The Indigenous Education Committee meets regularly, sometimes twice monthly, to organize its three annual district-wide events: 1) our pro-d day events, which take place in November and May each year, where teachers come together to share in a pro-d day of Indigenous everything, from teachings, speakers, dancers, drummers, hands-on, experiential art, and traditional food; and 2) our National Indigenous Day Celebration each June. All three of these events are free to Surrey teachers.
1 year
Number of Members
Open Membership
No chair indicated as of yet
Committee Members
Jacquie King (2024-2025)
Angela Marcakis (2024-2025)
Annie Ohana (2024-2025)
Helen Kelsey (2024-2025)
Amanda Anderson (2024-2025)
Mykola Misiak (2024-2025)
Regie Plana-Alcuaz (2024-2025)
Gavin Hainsworth (2024-2025)