BCTF local contacts are responsible for keeping their local updated on provincial matters and ensuring local issues are represented at the provincial level. Local contacts participate in the Summer Leadership Conference, Zone meetings, and email listservs, where they join peers from other locals to discuss, strategize, and collaborate to address provincial and regional issues.
THAT the Executive Committee appoint the BCTF local contacts annually, based on a call out for applications with the following criteria:
a. Aboriginal Education contact is a member of the Indigenous Education Committee.
b. Teacher Teaching on Call contact is a member of the TTOC Advisory Ad Hoc Committee.
c. Bargaining contact is a member of the Bargaining Committee.
d. French as a First of Working Language contact is a member who currently works in a position where the work language is French.
e. Health and Safety contact is a member of the Health & Safety Committee.
f. Political Action Contact is a member of the Political Action/Public Relations Committee.
g. Professional Development contact is a member of the Professional Development Committee.
h. Two Social Justice contacts are members of either the Accessibility Ad Hoc Committee, Anti-Racism Committee, Economic Justice Committee, Environmental Justice Committee, Indigenous Education Committee, International Solidarity Committee, LGBTQ2S+ Ad Hoc Committee, Member of the Global Majority Committee, Status of Women Committee.
If you’d like to be considered as a local contact, please put your name forward using the form below by Thursday, June 20, 2024.
The STA Executive Committee will be making their decisions during their meeting on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.
NOTE: If you are currently on sick leave and/or in receipt of Health and Wellness or SIP benefits, and expect to be so during any portion of the term of this position, your application will not be considered at this time. However, you are encouraged to apply to any STA position at a future date.
This information will be made available to the STA Executive Committee and appropriate members.