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Put your name forward

The STA election for 2024/2025 positions will be conducted during our online Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. Please see our Call for Nominations document which includes the list of positions, and our Election Guidelines.

Our union is only as strong as members make it! We strongly encourage new people to step forward and to get involved. Many current members of the Executive committee became involved because they wanted to change something in the union. If you are curious to know more about any position, please contact Jatinder Bir at

The written statements, photos and audio/video materials must be submitted to the AGM Elections form by April 14, 2024 to be uploaded on the website on April 22, 2024. If you’re interested in running for election past the April 14 deadline, you can still put your name forward using the form below or run from the floor.  

Position(s) I am running for