We have 6,600+ members who determine the direction of the Association by participating in a range of governing bodies.

These bodies oversee the decision-making processes that shape the STA and its activities.

All members are welcome to attend all governance and committee meetings.

Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Special General Meeting (SGM)

Responsibilities: The highest decision-making body that makes significant decisions impacting the entire union, such as setting policies, approving budgets, and electing the Executive Committee.

Composition: All members have the right to vote.

Frequency: At least four times a year.

STA Representative Assembly (STARA)

Responsibilities: Addressing school-specific issues and bringing member concerns to the forefront.

Composition: Elected Staff Reps from each school, Executive Committee members, and Standing Committee Chairs.

Frequency: At least four times a year.

Executive Committee (EC)

Responsibilities: Oversees the running of the STA, with Full-Time Table Officers (FTTOs) managing the day-to-day concerns of members.

Composition: 22 members, including 9 Full-Time Table Officers, 6 Local Representatives to the BCTF, the Secretary-Treasurer, TTOC & Early Career Rep, and 5 Members-at-Large.

Frequency: Meets every other Tuesday