Discover How Pro-D Funding is Allocated and Distributed

Learn where Pro-D funding originates, how it supports opportunities, how it is allocated to schools based on staff size, and how each school establishes its own policy to manage and distribute funds equitably among staff members.

Where does Pro-D Funding come from?

The Collective Agreement states that funds be provided by the Surrey School District to the Surrey Teachers’ Association for the purpose of professional development. The amount is calculated from 0.20% at the Category 6 maximum step, multiplied by the total teacher FTE in the District as of September 30 of the previous year. This is about $212~ per FTE (2024-2025).

The STA administers these Pro-D Funds, and each school receives a Pro-D allotment based on its staff size. Each site develops its own equitable funding policy based on its allocation. Schools distribute their Pro-D budget into two primary categories:

  • Individual Applications for personal professional development
  • Whole Staff Pro-D for collective learning opportunities

Any remaining funds as of September 15 of the following school year roll into:

  • Consolidated Pro-D
  • Pro-D Funding Draw

Any remaining funds as of September 15 of the following school year roll into Retained Earnings:

  • LSA Special Projects
  • Special Projects
  • Small School Grants

This structure ensures that Pro-D funds are distributed equitably while supporting both individual and collective professional growth opportunities across the district.

Setting a Site-Based Funding Policy

Each school or site will develop their own equitable funding policy, within the bounds of the Pro-D Funding Guidelines. Review and vote on the policy yearly at an STA meeting (preferably in September) that the elected Pro-D Rep will oversee.

Things to consider when setting the policy

  • Size of the teaching staff
  • Individual professional development needs
  • Plans for Whole Staff event
  • Equitable access

Examples of Site Based ProD Funds Policies

  • All full-time STA staff are eligible for $212~. Part time staff and job shares are pro-rated based on FTE. Documents must be submitted before Spring Break. After Spring Break, remaining funds are available for “top ups” on a first come, first served basis.
  • First come, first served up to $350. After Spring Break, remaining funds are available for “top ups” on a first come, first served basis.
  • First come, first served with no limit.