A key component of effective professional development is the use of professional resources.

Whether you are working individually or collaboratively with colleagues, selecting and utilizing the right professional resources is essential to achieving your professional growth objectives. These resources provide valuable insights and strategies that can be directly applied to your work, helping you to stay informed about the latest developments, and continuously improve your professional practice.

How can I access professional resources?

Individual Book Study

    • Identify a specific topic to deepen understanding, with the goal of enhancing professional practice.
    • Select a book recommended by a relevant committee or professional group to read during available time.
    • Apply for approval of the selected book/resource for professional development by completing the Professional Resource Application form. Include the date and a brief description of the inquiry the book supports.
    • Upon approval, use the Individual Pro-D Application form to apply for reimbursement for purchasing the book.

Collaborative Book Study

    • A group of colleagues identifies the need for release time to deepen understanding of a specific topic to better support professional practice.
    • If a book will be used during the collaboration, first complete the Professional Resource Application form to obtain approval for the selected book/resource. Include the date and a brief description of the inquiry the book supports.
    • Once the resource is approved, submit the Special Projects Pro-D Funding Application form to request professional development release time. Include details about the approved resource.
    • Any remaining Special Project funds, after covering release time costs, can be allocated towards purchasing the resource.