How to Plan Whole Staff Professional Development Day

1. Review the Professional Development Funding Guidelines

Read the Pro-D Funding Guideline thoroughly.

2. Timelines

3. Survey the staff to see what topic they want to study

  • This can be a quick in-person vote at a staff meeting
  • It can a Microsoft or Google Forms survey
  • It can be Polly in Teams

4. Develop an agenda for the day

Review a sample whole staff pro-d agenda.

  • Survey staff at Staff Meeting – how, ideas
    • Secondary topics
    • Elementary topics
  • Find potential presenters/speakers or facilitators (teachers or professionals)

5. Submit for Pre-Approval

Fill out and submit Whole Staff Pro-D Application Form. This application require pre-Approval from the STA Pro-D Committee. Application forms will be reviewed by the STA Pro-D Committee on the 15th of every month. Please expect two to four working weeks for approvals (September and June are especially busy)

If not approved, revise agenda according to suggestions and re-submit. Alternatively, you may follow our appeal process.

6. Importance of sign up sheet and commitment sheet

Print a copy of the Pro-D Sign-in Sheet

7. Spaces

  • Check school availability and classroom
  • Virtual PD may be attended from a school site or public space
  • Off-site excursions

8. Food

  • Planning food costs (snacks, lunch)
  • Total amount = (# of STA member participant,facilitators/presenters and Elders) x per diem
  • Snack per diem is $7
  • Lunch per diem is $24
  • Can be individual dishes vs buffet style (preferred method due to attendance conflicts)
  • Per diem can only be applied as a whole towards STA members in attendance not individual submissions
  • Food per diem are for STA members and facilitators/presenters only

Frequently Asked Questions

  • CUPE can attend STA Pro-D events, but costs need prorated and paid by the school
  • Virtual Pro-D may be attended from a school site or public space. If a school site will not be open on a particular professional development day, then admin needs to inform the school Pro-D committee of the closure at least two weeks prior
  • A fee (invoice with GST number) or honorarium may be charged by an STA member who acts as a facilitator for a Pro-D workshop held outside of their regular work day (see back side of the Whole Staff form)
  • Where a fee or honorarium has NOT been charged, a gift of up to $50 for the member-facilitator may also be charged to the school’s Pro-D funds.
  • Acceptable gifts include gift cards, flowers, gift baskets, etc. (Note: alcohol or monetary gifts are not permitted)
  • Wages to a teacher that doesn’t work on the day that the pro d is being held
  • A school requesting a workshop by an STA member must pay for TTOC costs from its own school Pro-D funds. If the STA member requests preparation time, then funding will be based on the following formula:
    • i. Half-day release time to prepare for a half day presentation
    • ii. One day release time to prepare for a one day presentation