Latest News

  • Job Share Changes to Day Swapping

    On December 8, 2022, the employer advised the union that as provincial bargaining has concluded, job share partners will no longer be allowed to “swap days” after December 16, 2022.  Read more

  • Get to Know Your Collective Agreement! 

    Each week we’ll ask a question about the collective agreement and invite you to email an answer to   This week’s question: Do teachers get paid for being a firstRead more

  • BCTF New Teachers’ Zoom Gathering

    Teachers with five or fewer years of teaching experience are invited to join a Zoom gathering with their new teacher colleagues in the new year. This hour-long virtual gathering willRead more

  • International Migrants Day: December 18, 2022

    Did you know that between July 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022, there were 83,200 new immigrants to British Columbia? On Sunday, December 18 we recognize  International Migrants Day. TheRead more

  • The Outdoor Learning Virtual Workshop Seasonal Series

    Take Me Outside and our Outdoor Learning Partners are pleased to present a virtual professional development series. Learn more by visiting:   Read more

  • Snow Day Information

    Whenever it snows, the STA office receives inquiries from teachers about what processes should be put in place at schools and what to do if it is difficult to travelRead more

  • BCFED Convention 2022 Highlights: Submitted by Kevin Amboe (STA Local Representative)

    The BC Federation of Labour holds a convention every other year. BCFED conventions are an important opportunity for members to shape and inform the direction of the organization, pass resolutions,Read more

  • Online Pension Seminars

    For the next three Thursdays, from December 1 to 15, 2022, Sarbrinder Singh Lalli the Assistant Director of Pensions and Group Benefits from the BCTF will be presenting online pensionRead more

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge with gratitude and respect that STA members have the privilege of working on the unceded ancestral territory of the Coast Salish peoples, the qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼən̓ (Kwantlen), q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie), qiqéyt (Qayqayt) and sɛmiˈɑːmuː (Semiahmoo) who have cared for this land for thousands of years, and who continue to care for this land. As educators, we are committed to actions aimed at healing the broken relationship between settlers and Indigenous peoples.

School Visit

We’d like to visit your school! Let us know which date you’d prefer. We are available for lunch or after school visits.

The Advocate

The Advocate is a seasonal publication for members. The Advocate contains a report from the President, information from the table officers, updates, and information on current educational issues and issues of importance to Surrey teachers.