The Collective Agreement protects your professional rights and ensures that your salary, working conditions, and responsibilities are clearly defined and fairly negotiated.

  • Full Collective Agreement: The complete agreement between the STA and the Surrey School District.
  • Negotiated Agreements: Negotiated changes that build on or adjust existing working conditions.
  • Restored Language: Provisions that have been restored to the agreement, ensuring continued protection of important rights like class size and composition.
  • Salary and Benefits: Detailed information about salary and benefits.

Salary and Benefits


Teachers are reminded to check their monthly pay stub to ensure that Payroll has you on the right category and experience scale on the salary grid. This information is located on the bottom left of your paystub. 

Salary grid for School District No. 36 (Surrey) effective July 1, 2024:

Prov Cat 5+
Step Cat 4 Cat 5 Cat 6- Cat 6
1 $59,711 $64,549 $69,391 $70,903
2 $62,445 $68,017 $73,227 $74,681
3 $65,178 $71,487 $77,064 $78,459
4 $67,910 $74,955 $80,901 $82,238
5 $70,644 $78,422 $84,738 $86,017
6 $73,378 $81,891 $88,575 $89,795
7 $76,111 $85,360 $92,413 $93,574
8 $78,843 $88,829 $96,249 $97,353
9 $81,575 $92,297 $100,087 $101,130
10 $88,012 $99,972 $107,967 $109,520


Information regarding our negotiated benefits package and related forms can be found on the BCPSEA Benefits page. You can file your claims and look up coverage information on Pacific Blue Cross, our health benefits provider.