Individual Pro-D

Individual Pro-D funding supports teachers who wish to engage in professional development activities on their own. This could include attending workshops, seminars, conferences, or taking non-credit courses relevant to their teaching practice.

Each school site is given an allotment of $97.50 per FTE in the school and each school determine how funding will be disbursed to individual members. To access Individual Pro-D funds, please fill out the Individual application form and have it approved by your site’s Pro-D Rep.

  • Application Process

    Choose a Pro-D Activity: Decide on a relevant activity that aligns with your professional development goals.

    Complete the Application Form: Fill out the Individual Pro-D Application Form

    Submit for Approval: Submit the completed form to your Pro-D rep for approval at least two weeks prior to your pro-d. Applications must be approved before any expenses are incurred.

    Note: If your application is not approved, you may follow our appeal process.

    Attend the Event: Once approved, attend the event as planned. Keep all original receipts and proof of attendance. Faxed or photocopied receipts will not be accepted.

    Submit Documentation for Reimbursement: After the event, submit all original itemized receipts and proof of attendance to your Pro-D rep, who will forward your application to us.

    Reimbursement Timeline: Reimbursement may take up to 3-4 weeks after we receive all required documents. 

  • How to Submit

    When to Submit: Submit your application at least two weeks before the event to allow for processing time. All receipts and documentation must be submitted within 30 days after attending the event.

    Funds can be used for events taking place between July 1, 2023 – September 15, 2024

    Final Submission: Submit the completed form and all required documents to your Pro-D rep, who will forward approved applications to the STA via courier or in-person.