- Extending part-time teachers’ or TTOCs’ workday, subject to their agreement and Article D.22 of the Collective Agreement.
- Reassigning TTOCs already dispatched to the school.
- Utilizing secondary teachers during their prep periods.
- Activating the school’s rotational coverage plan, developed by the Principal and School Staff Committee in line with Articles A.24.4 and A.34.5. This plan includes equitable coverage by:
- Principals and vice-principals,
- Teachers during their prep time,
- Non-enrolling teachers, and
- Teachers who provide prep time.
The rotational plan ensures that all staff fairly share the responsibility of covering Failures to Fill.
There may be circumstances where safety concerns or the unavailability of a Principal/Vice-Principal require flexibility in strictly following this priority scheme. In such cases, adjustments will be made, ensuring no unreasonable impact on individual teachers.
Any lost prep time under this plan will be rescheduled in accordance with D.4.9 (a – e) of the Collective Agreement.
The Employer is required to maintain minimum staffing ratios from October 1 to June 30 each year. However, the following absences are excluded from the actual staffing level calculations:
- Days when the District fails to provide replacements for specific non-enrolling positions (e.g., BASES, Connections, TREK, LEE, SLD, TREES, FASO, Foundations Program, other Inter-Agency Teachers, and Teacher Librarians).
- Absences of Social Development, LST, or ELL Teachers that extend beyond two consecutive days.
- Absences of other non-enrolling teachers that exceed 20 consecutive days.
- Situations where non-enrolling teachers are reassigned to cover enrolling teacher absences for more than one session in elementary schools or one block in secondary schools.
The District is not required to replace non-enrolling teachers who inform the District that no replacement is necessary during their absence.
The District may choose to replace teachers more frequently than required, and any shortfall in staffing as of June 1 will be accounted for in the following school year’s staffing levels.