The STA office provides support for your committee events. To prepare for your event, we would need the following information at least 4 weeks prior to the event for small events (30 or less) and at least 6 weeks prior for bigger events.
Please note requesting the booking of external facilities requires advance notice of at least 6 weeks prior to the event. Please contact for more information.
Please note: We provide registration list for office records. Registration deadline is 12 pm the day before the event.
Reimbursement for snacks and dinner are limited to the per diem. Committee meeting minutes are used to verify and process expense claims related to the meeting.
Please let us know if your event need equipment or other materials on the day of your event.
The STA Office promotes your events through the STA website and the STA Connection. To maintain advertising, publication and copyright standards for the STA all advertising or other publicly viewed material must be reviewed by the 1st Vice President of STA prior to posting/distribution.