Election Materials

    1. The cost of printing and distribution of STA election materials, aside from the booklet of candidate statements, shall be the responsibility of individual candidates.
    2. STA copiers and fax equipment shall not be used by individuals to produce STA election materials.
    3. No election materials aside from the prepared SGM package which includes candidate statements shall be distributed on the site of the SGM on Election Day.
    4. Candidates who choose to produce their own election materials must do so at their own expense. These materials will not be printed at the STA office. If a candidate does print their own election materials, these materials cannot be distributed anywhere on the site of the SGM.

Candidates & Campaigning

    1. There shall be no campaigning permitted in any of the official STA social media channels (including, Surrey Teachers Facebook group, STA#36 TTOC Facebook group, Surrey Teachers’ Association public Facebook page, @SurreyTeachers twitter and Instagram). This does not prevent candidates from creating their own public campaign platform.
    2. Committees are not to endorse any candidates.
    3. Members, including Staff Reps, Committee Chairs, and/or elected officers, are not allowed use their mass communication privileges to offer unsolicited personal endorsements of any candidate. This does not include personal, private conversations when advice/opinion is requested.
    4. Candidates are welcome to submit a:
      a. Written Statement – including links to their personal online platform, of no more than 500 words
      b. Photo – maximum size of 500×500 pixels in jpg or png format
      c. Audio/Video File – no longer than 3 minutes
    5. Submissions outside of the above listed criteria will not be published.
    6. The written statements, photos and audio/video materials must be submitted to the Member at Large Election Form no later than 4 pm on September 11, 2024.
    7. The written statements, photos and audio/video materials received before the deadline of September 11, 2024, will be published in the SGM package and on the website.
    8. Materials received after the deadline, will not be published in the SGM package and on the website.

Elections & Voting

    1. Voting will happen LIVE during the meeting.
    2. The SGM Package (including candidate statements, agenda) and registration link for attendance at the SGM will be included in the STA Connection emailed to members.
    3. The written statements, photos and audio/ video files will be uploaded on the website on September 16, 2024 (not including any materials received after the deadline of September 11, 2024).
    4. The Registration deadline for attendance at the SGM will be before noon on September 20, 2024.