Just as the President and the Executive Committee are the head of the union, and the general membership is the heart, the school union representatives are the legs of the union. No policy, action plan, or communication vehicle will be brought to life in a school without the onsite skills, knowledge, and analytical capabilities of school union representatives. Every school in Surrey has site-based union representatives who support you in a variety of ways.
The Staff Representative is your go-to-source for any questions that you might have, particular about union-related information, such as your collective agreement. They can also accompany you in any meeting with your administration.
- The staff rep is the peer of the principal in matters related to the interpretation and application of the collective agreement.
- The rights and responsibilities of the staff are firmly grounded in the collective agreement, in statute, and in arbitration jurisprudence.
- The collective agreement was not imposed by the union on the employer, but represents the mutually agreed-to-terms and conditions of employment for teachers in the district.
- The union has a legal obligation to fairly represent the members of the bargaining unit.
- The grievance procedure represents the most appropriate and least disruptive way of resolving disputes between employees and employer.
For more information, please review our Staff Representative Handbook.
The primary function of the Staff Committee is to provide advice to the Principal/Vice-Principal(s) in relation to the operation of the school. It is the school’s only democratic body authorized by the Collective Agreement to provide advice on behalf of the staff. Specific details regarding the committee’s composition, function, and meetings are found in the Collective Agreement.
- The development and maintenance of effective communication and consultative processes throughout the school;
- The review of school policies and procedures and the development of recommendations for improvement;
- Receiving and making recommendations on matters of concern presented by staff;
- Ensuring the development and maintenance of a professional development committee for the school;
- Ensuring the establishment and maintenance of a health and safety committee for the school.
Feel free to use our Staff Committee Minutes Template. For more information, please review our Staff Committee Handbook.
The Pro-D chair takes a leadership role in asserting professional rights, defending public education, building member and public support for professional development, facilitating professional learning for teachers as autonomous professionals, advocating for teacher-centered PD, and returning control of PD to teachers. They are also the go-to person for accessing pro-d funding.
The Health & Safety rep is the co-chair of the Health + Safety Committee (usually with admin) and is the person to talk to about any workplace health and safety concerns.