If you feel frustrated with the limitations of the Summer Pro-D agreement, please know that the STA has asked for a renegotiation of the agreement, and the district has not been willing to reconsider it. 

Teachers who miss the planned summer Pro-D due to illness may not take a sick day in the summer and an in-lieu day later. They must make up the Pro-D on the date designated for the other staff as “in-lieu” 

Attendance at summer Pro-D is voluntary, even if your school voted in favour of it. Teachers who choose not to attend the summer Pro-D days will do their professional development on the non-instructional in-lieu date. Attending summer Pro-D is not mandatory and all professional development, including summer Pro-D, must be teacher initiated and directed. Also note that it’s okay to attend a Pro-D activity from home, virtually.    

Non-instructional days for the 2021 – 2022 school year are: 

  • September 27  
  • October 22
  • November 12
  • February 25
  • May 6
  • May 30

October 22, 2021, is the Provincial Specialist Association date, and May 6, 2022, is the STA Convention. These dates cannot be considered as an in-lieu date.  

Teachers should also consider that the STA/SD36 Focus Day Committee will be organizing a Pro D Day on February 25, 2022. 

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