The Surrey Teachers’ Association is committed to communicating with the media and the general public, sharing stories of teaching and learning, and speaking out on public education issues. Teachers know the conditions in classrooms first hand and what is critical to providing high-quality public education.

Media Quick Information

    • The Surrey Teachers’ Association bargained its first collective agreement in 1988.
    • The Surrey Teachers’ Association represent 6800+ public school teachers in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.
    • The Surrey Teachers’ Association is governed by its Executive Committee — comprised of the President, 2 Vice-Presidents, 2 Grievance Officers, Health and Safety Officer, Accommodations Officer, Professional Support Services Officer, Professional Development Officer, 6 Local Representatives to the BCTF, 5 Members-at-Large, the Secretary-Treasurer, and the Teacher-on-Call Representative.
    • Surrey Teachers’ Association members provide professional educational services to the more than 67,000 students in Surrey.
    • Surrey Teachers’ Association members work in elementary schools, high schools, learning centres, adult education centres, at the Curriculum and Instructional Services Centre, Student Support Services, at various community and outreach centres, Surrey Connect, and the Welcome Centre.
    • The Surrey Teachers’ Association represents teachers, speech and language pathologists, school psychologists, teachers-on-call, adult educators, and summer school teachers.

Media Contact Information

During business hours, media representatives can reach the Surrey Teachers’ Association by calling the office at (604) 594-5353. You can also email If you’re on a deadline, please let our switchboard know and they’ll endeavor to have a representative contact you as soon as possible.