Governance is the mechanisms, processes and relations by which STA is controlled and directed. The following documents identify the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in the Association and include the rules and procedures for making decisions and the processes through which the Association’s objectives are set and pursued.
The STA AGM is usually held in May of each school year. At the AGM reports are received, officers of the Association are nominated and elected, we elect an auditor, we set the membership fee and the budget for the next school year and deal with other business. Quorum for General Meetings is 150 members. We also hold Special General Meetings each school year to complete business that must happen at a General Meeting. It is our practice to sometimes hold SGMs immediately preceding STARA meetings.
The Constitution and By-laws establish the rules by which the organization is run. The by-laws establish the division of responsibilities among the major decision making bodies and spell out what each level of decision making is authorized to do. Bylaws of the association are amended or added by an Annual General Meeting, and bylaw amendments or additions require advance notice to the membership. See Bylaw XV for details.
Policy statements are statements of objectives that the Surrey Teachers’ Association wishes to attain or retain, and/or beliefs expressed by the STA on any matter. Procedure statements are statements of practice adopted by the STA to handle the business of the Association. The date and source of each motion are included where possible. To download or view STA’s current copy, please visit our Policies and Procedures.
The STA Executive committee is elected at our AGM in May and consists of 22 or 23 members, depending on whether an immediate past president is a member that year. This year’s executive is listed on our Executive committee page. It meets biweekly with additional meetings as necessary. The EC also has responsibility for the creation and appointment of any ad hoc committees.
In each school site, the STA is represented by the Staff Rep(s), Professional Development Rep, Health and Safety Rep, Social Justice Rep and Staff Committee Chair. There may be more than one Staff Rep at the worksite, depending on the number of members working at the site. In other unions, this role is commonly called “shop steward”. Although union membership is compulsory, we are an actively organized union; the Staff Reps attend STARA meetings and bring forward school concerns to the wider membership there.
The Code of Ethics states general rules for all members of the STA/BCTF for maintaining high standards of professional service and conduct toward students, colleagues, and the professional union.
Professional Standards guide and advance the work of educators. These standards communicate the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that define educators’ work. They communicate the responsibility that educators have in fostering public confidence and highlight the complex and varied nature of educators’ work. The standard also reflect that educators contribute towards truth, reconciliation and healing, acknowledging the history and contributions of first Nations, Inuit, and Metis in Canada.