Many teachers are alarmed at climate change and are striving to do all they can to halt or reverse its effects on our communities, our children, and the students we teach everyday. Members of this group meet about every 6 weeks and have a vibrant on-line community. As part of the Green Committee, we have written, debated, and passed resolutions at the BCTF’s largest decision making bodies around the issue of increased climate change advocacy, we have attended marches and rallies on the topic of climate change and indigenous land sovereignty and we have supported community organizing. We continue to seek ways to encourage our local, the BCTF, and our influence at the CTF to take action and to demand better. In the past we have been intervenors in the trans-mountain pipeline proposal, we have collaborated with economist Seth Klein on policy writing, and have been invited to attend the UN Conference on Climate Change. We hope to continue to do much more and hope you will join us!


1 year

Number of Members

Open Membership


No chair indicated as of yet

Committee Members

Julie Ainscow (2023-2024)
Violette Baillargeon (2023-2024)
Elizabeth Bendfeld (2023-2024)
Marilyn Carr (2023-2024)
Melanie Miki (2023-2024)
Annie Ohana (2023-2024)
Marilyn Ricketts-Lindsay (2023-2024)
Joanna Shniad (2023-2024)
Hilary Wardlow (2023-2024)
Natasha Molinari (2023-2024)
Niovi Patsicakis (2023-2024)
Jeff Solis (2023-2024)
Lance McFall (2023-2024)