The podcast, “To Be a Teacher,” created by teachers, for teachers, is produced by the Podcast Project Committee of the Surrey Teachers’ Association.

To Be a Teacher Podcast Archive

  • Episode 1: Contract Negotiations and Job Actions Through the Years

    Sasha Campbell-Mongeon, an early career teacher in Surrey, sat down with her parents, retired teachers Claude Mongeon and Jude Campbell, to talk about their experiences with contract negotiations and job action throughout their teaching careers. During their conversation, Sasha, who describes herself as a ‘union baby’ shares her memories of cycling to picket lines during job actions and learns more about what was happening for her parents and Surrey teachers at the time.

    Listen to the podcast to hear about what teachers in the past did to gain improvements in working conditions for teachers in BC.

  • Episode 2: Coming Soon!

    Episode 2 will be available soon.