BCTF Teacher Inquiry Project

Teacher inquiry has become a well-established model of self-directed professional development throughout the province, and the BCTF is pleased to offer teachers the opportunity to be part of one of 18 joint local/district inquiry projects.

What is Teacher Inquiry?

It is a professional development opportunity for a group of teachers to collaborate on an inquiry topic they develop that is related to the current BCTF Priorities. Participants investigate an inquiry question and reflect on their project.

It includes a process that involves professional learning communities where participants decide on the focus of the inquiry.

Teacher Inquiry Program

The Teacher Inquiry Program (TIP) involves reflection of lived experiences, open-ended questions, collaboration of colleagues, professional conversations, extending understanding of practice though critical discourse, planning and initiating action for change, and distributed leadership.

BCTF facilitators help guide participants thought the inquiry process, Teachers develop and refine an inquiry question, Teachers carry out the inquiry questions (research/data collection), Teachers synthesize and analyze the findings of the inquiry project, teachers plan, prepare, and finalize the project, teachers share/present and celebrate the inquiry project process.

How to Apply

Funds for released sessions to collaborate with colleagues guided by a BCTF facilitator are provided in collaboration with the STA and SD36.

Applications are reviewed by the BCTF Executive Committee and funding must be secured prior to application to the BCTF.

Please submit project applications to the STA Office, attention Erin Coleman (Pro-D Officer). For project applications and more information, please visit the BCTF Teacher Inquiry page.