What is a Local Specialist Association (LSA)?

A Local Specialist Association is a local organization of teachers within a local who teach in a common subject area or grade level (i.e. Secondary English, French, Drama, Music Educators, Learning Assistance, or Primary, etc.).

The STA support its LSAs through:

  • Grants available annually to active LSAs
  • Release Time
  • Resources
  • People/Staffing

Benefits of having an LSA

    • Funding – Annual LSA Operating Grant of $600.00, Annual LSA Pro-D Special Projects Grant of $4000.00
    • Advocating – to both the district and union Collaboration & Networking across sites with others in the same specialty field or focal point
    • Gateway to additional curricular opportunities for your students through shared resources that teachers can receive pro-d on (i.e. a shared resource such as the Drama Masks or Dance Tap-dance Shoes.)
    • Ability to create LRS reviews and shape the District Resource Catalogs
    • Ability to create district standard equipment lists on the purchasing site
    • Working with the district to create performance festivals, art exhibitions, and best practices guidelines and policies for our areas.

Active LSAs in Surrey

To contact any of the LSAs listed above,  please visit their website or our STA LSA List.

Don't see your area represented? We are here to help you start/restart an LSA!

To be recognized as a Local Specialist Association, LSAs are required to have the following on file with the STA office:

    1. A copy of your LSA constitution/bylaws.
    2. A non-profit bank account to deposit your operating funds into
    3. A letter from the associated Provincial Specialist Association recognizing your organization. If your potential LSA does not have a current PSA – you can still form with STA approval.
    4. A current executive list with a President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary with executive representation from a minimum of three different sites in Surrey.

To learn more, please read our LSA Handbook.