Policies & Procedures


THAT all committee chairpersons should endeavour to keep the membership-at-large  informed at STARA meetings of current pertinent developments in their particular areas.


THAT all committees give bulletins that are to be sent to the membership to the President before typing and publication. EXEC-1993.04.27


THAT the STA Executive Committee encourage utilization by its committees of the various services and resources (including speakers) provided by the BCTF. EXEC-1992.11.10


THAT the President, or the President’s appointee, be an ex-officio member of all committees of the Association.


THAT the Executive Committee meet on a timely basis, but at least four(4) times per year with chairpersons or a designated representative of the following committees for the purpose of receiving reports and recommendations from the committees: GEN-1995.05.10 Amended AGM – 1997.05.14


THAT the Executive Committee normally and regularly refer matters to appropriate committees for advice and recommendations unless the issue is of an emergent nature. In the case of an emergent issue, the Chairperson and/or members of the appropriate committee will be invited to the Executive Committee considering the matter to provide advice and/or recommendations.


THAT each committee chairperson prepare a written annual report to the Annual General Meeting. STARA-89.06


THAT if committee chairpersons feel they must overspend the committee budget, they must first obtain STARA or General Meeting approval.


THAT any equipment purchase/lease in excess of $100 be authorized by Executive Committee motion. Note: software is considered to be equipment.


THAT committee chairpersons make recommendations concerning the budget for the following year at least 4 weeks prior to the STA AGM.  GEN-1981.01


THAT committees register their meetings and the locations with the STA staff, including all locations away from the STA building.  EXEC-1994.09.13


THAT where possible committees wishing to report to Executive submit a written  report at least one week ahead of the meeting. EXEC-1994.09.06


THAT when members of an STA Standing Committee are requested to attend an Executive meeting that these members normally participate in debate on issues raised during their presentation. EXEC-1994.09.13


THAT the requirement for quorum of a committee shall be 50%. EXEC-2001.10.02


THAT any budgetary expenditures shall be approved by a majority vote of the committee members present. EXEC-2001.10.02


THAT a copy of all committee meeting minutes shall be filed with the STA office.  EXEC-2001.10.02


Pursuant to BY-Law XIII(2) the chairperson should recommend to the Executive Committee dismissal of a committee member for non-attendance.